4.25 CME~CE: Do What Matters!

Do what matters ~ join us for a critical discussion to change lives!
The most devastating of outcomes in mental health, a completed suicide, has lasting effects on a patient’s families, friends, the community, and care providers. With a recent rash of suicides and increasing rates of provider burn out, more attention is being paid to the monitoring and prevention of suicide.
Join us Saturday, Sept. 12 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown for a 4.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit event highlighting some of the ways suicide by patients and providers may impact survivors. We’ll hear from a physician survivor, address the impact of suicide in the community, explore child and adolescent struggles that lead to suicide ideation, and finally, we will discuss issues of liability when a patient attempts or successfully completes suicide.
Event registration ends Aug. 31. Visit PDALLC.com for brochure and to register.
Thanks to Professional Risk Management Services, LLC (PRMS) for their support.
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