Return of Regional Conference to West Baden Brings Strong Speaker Line Up

IPS has announced the 2017 Regional Integrated Mental Health Conference will be held April 21-23 at the West Baden Springs Hotel. The seven year history of the event continues to allow organizers to draw many high profile names to the conference. Some of those persons include:
Saul Levin, MD: President and Chief Medical Officer, American Psychiatric Association
LTC (P) Christopher Warner, MD: Commander, USA MEDDAC-FSGA and Consultant to the Surgeon General for Psychiatry
Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, MD, JD: Director of Ethics, Center for Law, Brain, and Behavior and Associate Psychiatrist, Massachusetts General Hospital
Robert Boland, MD: Vice Chair for Education, Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Residency
Chris Bojrab, MD: President, Indiana Health Group
With registration underway, it is clear this event will once again sell out. We encourage interested persons to register early for this 16.25 AMA PRA Catergory 1 accredited event!
Register online
Mail or fax in registration form
Event brochure
Event website
Early bird registration closes 2/15/17!